Hum Irving Berlin …
I should care if the wind blows east or west
I should fret if the worst looks like the best
I should mind if they say it can’t be true
I should smile, that’s exactly what I do …
Blue skies smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see …

We see a blue sky where nothing blue exists – remember, our atmosphere isn’t blue at all.  Only appears blue to us.  Phenomenon of refraction.  That blue sky we see is vast & glorious.

The act is automatic – the translation of light by sight.  Innocent, selfish and necessary.  Naïve, and yet a great effort.  To find happiness, to make beauty, in our daunting reality – a tremendous act of will.

Knowing better, we continue to laugh.

begun 2004, ongoing


Nothing But Blue Skies at the Airport, 2011Skies, installed as part of Seeing is Believing